Galaxy of Thoughts - **Mental journies shuttling between utopia, dystopia and bordering paranoia.**

Galaxy of Thoughts

Mental journies shuttling between utopia, dystopia and bordering paranoia.

28 Feb 2020

February Reading List

February has been an interesting month, it was the month of the palindrome date *02/20/2020*, full blown worry about probable emminent epidemic corona virus named **covId-19** among other global phenomena.
30 Jan 2020

2020 Jan Reading

on **1/1/2020** started the year with my first book. It had been on my reading list over an year, yes I have a reading list or rather collection of suggested books that I keep track of. My favourite reads have been mainly referrals from previous readers, apart from a few which either I stumble upon and get engrossed into like when I found the book.
10 Dec 2019

Beauty of Language

Under the tree scenarios play a lot in my mind, questioning and marveling at the interesting facets and crevices of the world.
09 Apr 2019

Regular Expression Tutorial [Regex]

Simple Regular Expression Tutorials